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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sickness Sweeps Z House

Love is one of the few things you can give a child who is sick, aside from fluids, humidifier and rest. Dustin came down with a cold on Sunday and by Monday evening he was running a fever of 102.6.  As a parent, I want to make it all better and when he is sick, I feel so powerless.

“Health is not valued till sickness comes.” Thomas Fuller

It seems many moms in the bloggersphere also have tikes with the same thing. Mandy from Harper's Happenings tweeted that her daughter has been running a fever of 102, as well. Whether you are in California or Washington or anywhere else in the country, your child is not immune. Sorry!

I am writing this after, I was able to get him back to sleep. The coughing and congestion wakes him up and he cries because he feels so miserable. My normally energetic child is now snuggly and when he really doesn't feel well, follows me around the house whining. The snuggles are nice since they are so rare, but the whining just drives me crazy.

There is just no magic cure for a virus and I think that is the hardest part. Infections can be cured, but viruses are pesky, irritating and usually cost you a $30 co-pay because you want to make sure it is nothing serious or at least make the doctor listen to you about how horrible it is because no one else wants to hear it any more.

Virus - You are on notice and being served your eviction notice. Now, GET OUT!

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