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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Activities to Blame for Melt-down

Yesterday, Dustin had gym at the First 5 Center in Concord, CA. My, otherwise, delightful child became a crying mess because the class is held during nap time. Wanting to expose him to new things, I figured delaying his nap for one hour would not be the end of the world.

Boy, was I wrong. He did not want to participate in the stretching or sitting or singing. Maybe he has a hatred of activities that start with "S". This may also be why he prefers not to sleep. (Note to self: come up with alternative names for things that start with "S") Anyway, Dustin just wanted to run around and meet people. Since it was not time yet, he became hysterical and got snot all over me. UGH! Once he was finally set free, he was a bit better behaved. However, this experience was just too stress full.

Next week, I am going to try putting him to sleep later the night before in hopes that he will sleep later in the morning and we can avoid the tears and snot all over the place. If this does not work, we will need to find another activity at a more appropriate time. Wish me, Luck!

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