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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dinner Casino: D's answer to "What's for Dinner?"

I am a lazy cook. This does not mean I am a terrible cook, just hate to do it. Therefore, I am the master of the one pot meal. Here is my method for throwing dinner together fast and with what is in my fridge.

  1. Pick 3-4 ingredients, usually a veggie, protein, dairy and/or pasta. 
  2. Bring water to boil for pasta or put other starch on to cook.
  3. Saute protein. When almost done, add veggie and allow to cook until your desired level of doneness.
  4. Once starch and above mixture are complete, mix together and     serve.                                                                                               Unmodified photo courtesy of Arc
Note:  My favorite proteins are sausage, chicken and shrimp. Veggies I use most often are spinach, eggplant and broccoli. For dairy, favs are feta and chevre cheese. Pasta is a new addition because I needed to be able to make the meal stretch farther, but it's fabulous without it. Don't forget to season with your spice du jour!

Husband teases that this meal is called "Something Different" because it is like pulling the lever on the slot machine and seeing what tonight's combo is. I feel that because the ingredients are always different, this cooking method should work for at least 2-3 night's a week and therefore "something different" for dinner. He seems to disagree and makes the sound of pulling the slot machine lever ("shhh-CHUNK: Sausage, broccoli, chevre, penne") when he sees what is for dinner.

Hence, Dinner Casino as Born.

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