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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Knock Your Socks Off - Literally

Since my son was born 17 months ago, my bedroom has not seen much action. If you were to peek in our bedroom, all you would have heard were crickets (well, probably snoring, but you get the point). Seriously, I have been too tired and emotional to give a sh*t. It took my husband's absence on a business trip to inspire a change.

Having recently returned, Hubs suggested I sleep naked because he missed the feel of me close to him. Feeling exposed, I do not usually sleep in the buff. Since he asked, how can I refuse. One thing led to another and now, Dani's Got Her Groove Back. Whoo Hoo! I usually think about sex A LOT, but now I am looking forward to being disrobed and  letting it on.

Going to bed al naturel, promotes intimacy not just because of the vulnerability, but also the accessibility. How can a man sleep with bare breasts within reach? Answer: He can't. Roaming hands are always hard for me to resist and this wife makes a point to never refuse an invitation. Party Over Here!

Besides, a good romp makes all of life's petty problems more manageable. Really, people should stop taking Prozac and start having more sex.

Ladies, being nekked will not only make life more exciting, but save you on therapy bills as well. Sometimes, I let stress get the better of me & forget that a really good screw would probably make it all better. So take it from me, put your stress aside and literally knock your socks off!


Rob Zazueta said...

This post is full of win.

Jason said...

Of course you would think it is full of win :)

Emmie Bee said...

No, it IS full of win.

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