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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feeding the Monkey

As you may have read, I have had quite the trial with breastfeeding. Crazy as I am, I still have not give up, but have needed to start giving the monkey solids and formula supplementation to help him gain weight and continue to "thrive".

Since I have started with solids, I think Dustin has developed an additional stomach. He makes this face all day long with a grunting whine. In the beginning of the day it is adorable, but by 4 PM I am ready to put him on a bus.

Despite all the feeding, this child has only gained 1.5 lbs in the last 2 months. Funny that I was concerned that he was going to be a chunky monkey. The other day, I put a pair of 3-6 month pants on him and they fell right off. In addition to being lean, he comes from a long line of men with no butt. Too bad they do not make Mork suspenders for infants.

With all this food, has come a growth spurt. So Dustin is sleeping a lot and will soon no longer fit on the changing table [I painstakingly chose this for its matching hutch] to my husband's chagrin. Maybe... he will be leaping buildings in a single bound, as well. This mom thinks she will be thankful for just a healthy ordinary child, who day stops eating her out of house and home. Cheers!

1 comment:

Diane said...

the "long line of men with no butt" made me laugh out loud. This baby thing has not been easy for you, but you still have your sense of humor!!

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