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Monday, June 15, 2009

Get Off the Phone & Pull Up Your Pants, DagNabIt!

Appropriate. I cannot say this is a word that I thought about much when I was single. Now, as I am watching TV, about town, etc, this word comes to mind quite frequently. How OLD am I? Remember when you were a teenager and your parents would ask you, "Are you going to leave the house dressed like that?" Wow, what a long time ago. Having a child has caused me to think like my parents or my grandparents, even. What is this world coming to? Next thing you know, I will be yelling at kids to get off my damn lawn.

Sorry, I clearly got off on a tangent. As times are changing, how will I know what is truly appropriate for my child? For example, Cell phones - I am totally against my child having a cell phone before they can drive. Yet, 5-year-olds are sporting these trendy hand-held jabber boxes and my child will be badgering me for one as soon as he can talk at this rate. What ever happened to using string and a tin can to hook up with your buds? Ok - I am not that old. We just stuck are head out the window, hollered for your friends to come out or we got off our butts and walked over to their house to see if they could play. See, no need for cell phones. That is just electronics, what about clothing?

Since I have a boy, I will have to concern myself with pants being in the "right" size and place. Why is it that the pants have gotten so large that you can hide a small country in them? Many times I have been out and about and seem a young man have to hold onto his pants while he was running to catch a bus or just walking across the street. If you cannot keep your pants up during normal activity, clearly there is something wrong. Granted before too big, trousers were too tight. This poses a whole other set of problems you can only imagine. Horrible to think that I may have to visit the emergency room to have my child's pants removed.

Lord knows I could go on with what is appropriate in reference to language, but I want to save something for the next time I feel the need to rant about this.

1 comment:

emmie Bee said...

Pretty sure Hudson is working on the "f word"

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