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Friday, June 5, 2009

Is He a Child or a Puppy?

Yes, I talked about this the other day, but this afternoon Dustin found my flip flops and into his mouth they went. I thought you only had worry about this with puppies. Apparently, having a dog does prepare you for a child. Who knew...

Shoes are just gross and have been on the street and what not. It is the what not that I should probably be worrying about. I am encouraging him to chew on more desirable items like his RaZ-Berry or any of the other myriad of toys this spoiled child has. Yet, if my shoes or feet are in range, he is after them. How do I properly discourage this "foot/shoe fetish" and not make the forbidden more exciting?

Gone are the days of just laying him in the center of the gym and knowing he will still be there after I get back from the bathroom. I knew the day would come when he would be mobile, but I expected to have to worry about power cords or dangerous stuff. Well, Rob will be happy if Dustin's desire to eat my shoes gets me to stop leaving them all over the house.
Dustin, you just made your father a happy man!

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