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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dustin Made a Friend

We went to our monthly mom's group get together. Dustin seems to really enjoy going out an meeting people. Dustin is not shy and smiles at every one. While there, he "asked" a soon-to-be mom to hold him/bounce on her lap, tugged and tasted the hair of his 3-year old girlfriend and made a new friend. He reached out and took the hand of another baby we were sitting next to. It was rather adorable that he had initiated this kind of connection. The other child responded kindly to Dustin's attempt at friendship and they were holding hands.

After almost 8 months, it is refreshing to realize that your child is on the road to no longer needing you as his only source of companionship. Soon, we will be having play dates where he actually plays with other children. He is becoming more of a person every day. Self-reliance here we come!


Rob Z. said...

Kid's got more game than his dad... so sad.

Diane said...

if his demeanor at church is any measure - he will be a very social boy ....

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