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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mom Injured While Tweeting

Well, not really, but it could happen. I have been thinking about all the time I have been spending on social media. Am I really making deeper connections with people or just getting RSI trying to get more followers/viewers?

By tweeting and posting status updates, I no longer have to pick up the phone and actually speak to anyone. Heck, if you do not have email, I do not communicate with you. Sorry! Instead, casual voyeurism is the method I use to keep up on my friends and family. Does it mean that these people are not important to me? No, of course not. However, in my busy day of chasing after my adorable demolition crew, it is difficult to set aside uninterrupted time to speak with someone.

My girlfriend and I have been trying to get together since the beginning of the year. She with her busy son and I with mine. It is difficult to communicate with her outside of email. Heck, we have played phone tag for for about almost 3 months. Now, if she was on Twitter or Facebook, we probably would have hooked up by now.

Social media allows me to "drop off the face of the earth" in the eyes of my technically challenged family and friends. Often times, I wonder what important relationships I am missing out on. By the time I get around to picking up the phone, I have forgotten why it is in my hand.

Here is to hoping that the technically challenged will forgive me and call me once in a while. ;)

Image courtesy of Ethan.K. Please click photo for more information.


Unknown said...

You really nailed it with this....I completely feel the same way. If it was not for the fact that I work in a position where I can communicate via the wonderful world of internet for 40 hours a week... once I leave work I fall of the face of the earth too!

So from the wonderful world of Motherhood CyberSpace - you are an amazing mom and the greatest friend a girl could have!

heather@actingbalanced.com said...

I totally get where you're coming from... I've set a goal to build my blog traffic which means lurking on all the available social media and also keeping current with my blog... I feel like I'm spending more time with my new blog friends than my IRL friends... I found your blog while I was surfing the Mom Blog Network and your post title struck me... so I stopped by!

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