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Friday, February 26, 2010

Is Yelling, the new Spanking?

While perusing TheMotherhood.com, I came across a NY Times article that made me think. For Some Parents, Shouting Is The New Spanking. My husband and I do not do a lot of yelling at each other or our son, Dustin. That being said, I am finding that as Dustin gets older and refuses to pay attention, I am beginning to raise my voice more often.

When we are around other parents who yell at their children, my son will often become inconsolable. He is a sensitive boy, who cries at violence on TV (even cartoons) or Mommy & Daddy play fighting. Now, do not get me wrong, he is not a cry baby. Dustin is a very happy boy, unless he senses stress in his environment.

My son is always more difficult on those days when I am stressed about money, something happening in my life or just got up on the wrong side of the bed. These are the days when I raise my voice the most. Once I take a step back and breathe deeply, Dustin starts acting like the adorable child I know him to be.

The hard part usually is realizing I am the root of the problem.

Image courtesy of Hscripts.com. Please click image for more information.

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