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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bottle, Boob or Boo-Hoo - Tale of Bad Sleep Habits

Well, I thought this would never happen to me, but it did. My child has been trained to fall asleep with a bottle or after nursing. I know, I know... During the day I needed some me time and he would go to sleep without screaming, so I got into the habit of sticking something in his mouth. Now, I am totally ashamed and from all his screaming as he is learning to sleep on his own.

The good news is that the process is going a bit better than I expected. Watching Dustin's cues is a big part of it. We have always had a routine during the day, but I had gotten a bit lax about it at night. For the last two nights, we had a rigid schedule. Dinner, bath, wind down and sleep.

The first night it worked well. Last night, there was screaming for 20 minutes. Do not get the wrong impression, I am not letting him scream without going in there to comfort him. I set the timer for 5 minutes, go in, pat his back and tell him I love him. Next, I set the timer for longer and repeat process.
This whole thing really fries my nerves. Who knew a child could protest so loudly, when they are clearly exhausted. This morning there was light protesting and after 10 minutes he was out. Let's hope the rest of the day goes as well.

Do you have any advice or tips that have worked? I would be happy to hear them.


Diane said...

I was bad at the going to sleep on their own thing. Really bad. So no good tips, except don't do what I did. ;-)

Emmie B said...

Don't feed him before sleepy time! Hudson gets his last feeding around 7-730 and then goes to sleep around 8 and falls asleep without protest by 815! And sleeps till at least 730AM! During the day he only takes two short naps though. 11-12ish and 4-6.

Dani Z said...

I am feeding him about a half hour before it is bed time. Last night, he went to sleep with no problem. Whoo Hoo! Thanks for the advice, Em!

Emmie B said...

You just gotta get them nice and drowsy! lol. I keep him awake until he hits the mattress. Hope he keeps it up, mamacita! PS: Hows your week next week?! We gonna have lunch at some point this year!?

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