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Friday, July 3, 2009

Have Baby , Will Travel

Yesterday, Dustin & I just got back from a trip to Grandma's house. We had to go over a river, but not through the woods.

Traveling for 3 hours in a car with Dustin, alone, was a cause for concern. The ride there was not a problem. We left an hour and a half passed his nap time, so he was really tired. In addition, I fed him a bottle right before we left, so he was in a food induced coma. The car was barely out of the driveway before he was asleep. Yay, me!

The first stop was for gas, but since he was already a sleep it was not a problem. The second stop was for a drive through at Del Taco. He fused a bit, but was back asleep once I got on the freeway again. Although I had to pee like a race horse when we got to our destination, no other stops were scheduled.

Coming home was a different story... I fed him before we left, but I nursed him and he went to sleepytown before he finished the bottle. This turned out to be a mistake. Dustin woke up at about 1.5 hours into the trip. So, I stopped in Benica to change him a possibly grab a snack. Plus, the stretch was appreciated. We find the restroom and there is NO changing table. This is the first stop after the bridge and many families were stopping there.

Changing Dustin on the floor in the restroom was not as fun as I was hoping. This mom and child were in the way and blocking one of the restrooms. One of the workers comes in a asks if the restroom I am blocking is open. I confirmed that it was and if she could wait for me to finish snapping my son I will get out of the way. She says it is too bad that they do not have a changing table. Yeah, that was helpful. Maybe they should do something about that. Since I was so annoyed, I left without a snack or using the bathroom my self. Ugh!

We make it the rest of the way without incidence as I gave Dustin a cracker before we left and a bottle. He did not go back to sleep, but he was content and that is really all that matters. Next time I make that trip, I will know better than to stop in Benica and plan ahead.

Hopefully, our trip in August via plane to Kentucky will go as smoothly. I am nervous. Please share any of your travel tips. I would greatly appreciate it.

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