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Monday, March 29, 2010

My site has moved

So very excited to announce, I have moved to Wordpress. Please visit me at www.mommyexpectations.com

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Magic Fridge

Awhile back I was going to make Horseradish Meatballs. I was disappointed when I went to make the recipe because we did not have any horseradish. Husband had asked me if I had purchased some and I said, "No, I thought there was some in the fridge." If I did not purchase any, then how did I expect there to be some in the fridge? Simple. Every fridge has horseradish; if just grows there. My husband thinks I am insane and all conversations some how seem to come back to horseradish. Which is what happened with or Twitter conversation today.
Me: The Monkey has developed a love of popcorn. He must be my son
Hubs: You made popcorn? I want popcorn. Where do I get popcorn?
Me: From the top of the fridge, it grows there like horseradish
Hubs: Wow. That fridge is magic.
Me: Otherwise, we may starve to death. LOL! Trying to teach it how to produce milk next
Hubs: Screw the milk - train it to product Twinkies. They never go bad and can sell them! 
Me: You are insane. I do not even like Twinkies. How about chocolate milk? If the fridge makes enough, we can sell it.
Hubs: Mmmm... mystery fridge Twinkies...
Me: Laughing so hard I almost choked to death. Are you trying to kill me?
Hubs: No, but clearly my powers are growing. Now, I must learn to control them.

 So as you can read, my husband and I are crazy. Maybe this is what has kept us married for, I think, five years or so. Clearly, I am not good at remembering things like that.

Pacifiers and Thumb-sucking - Revisited

June 2009 - My well-meaning mother states, "It is better for a child to have a pacifier because you can throw it away. You cannot cut off his thumb, Danielle." Yes, that was my goal, to remove my child's thumb. Where does she come up with this stuff? She has said this so many times, I was starting to think I was setting my child up for a lifetime of addiction because I was so quick to place a pacifier in his mouth rather than let him soothe himself. Thankfully, I never pulled his thumb out of his mouth and replaced with a pacifier. I figured if he wanted it in there and he was quiet, it worked for me. However, if he started to get fussy, I popped in a paci.

March 2010 - All my worries about addiction to pacifiers was totally unfounded. Not to mention, my total embarrassment of having photos taken with one in DZ's mouth. Dustin decided to give up the pacifier not long after I wrote the above post. I never had to throw it away or any other possibly damaging action because he made the decision himself. He did the same thing with breastfeeding. At about 10 months, he decided he was done and preferred exploring the world to quiet time nursing with Mama. 

As you may know, DZ is 17 months old and has all of his teeth. His first choppers came in at 2 months of age. Since then, he has chewed on anything he can find to try and get his teeth to come in. Although, he often has his fingers in his mouth, he never really adopted the sucking habit. 

Bottom line: All that worrying I did when he was younger was just wasted energy. Now that I have learned to follow my instincts and filter the advice, Motherhood has become a little easier.