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Friday, January 8, 2010

Response to Resume Posting

Having posted my resume online, you do not expect people to respond to you because there are more job seekers than job available. I am getting response except they are from people who want me to buy an insurance business or pay to have my resume tailored. Really? When you are looking for work, do you have the extra funds to purchase a business? I surely do not. I am looking to earn money, not spend it and lots of it. Come on bottom feeders, understand that looking for a job is hard enough without getting your hopes up that someone contacted you only to find out they want your money and not your awesome talent.

Back to the search....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mommy Looks For Work

Now that Dustin is over a year old, it is time to look for work. I have started the usual places like Craig's List and Career Builder. Right now the offers are few, but I have found 2 postings that would be an excellent fit for me. These days, you have to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific company and find ways to stand out. How do you stand out in a crowd of so many job seekers? Luckily for me, my husband works at one of the companies. Hopefully, that will help me get in front of someone, so I can prove to the hiring manager just how awesome I really am.

The next challenge with looking for work is child care. Today, Dustin and I went to visit a child care facility. He did very well and was upset to leave because he enjoyed it so much. The principle said I should have no trouble with Dustin since he is so social and does not suffer from separation anxiety. Yay for me! However, I am sad to be putting him in day care and may miss spending my day with him.