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Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas has Come and Gone

This year was a small Christmas with my folks. We had Christmas eve at our house and made enough tamales to support a very small country, but a country none the less. I will be eating them for about a week and the rest will have to go in the fridge. This a fun tradition for us and I look forward to it every year.

Christmas day we went to my folks and had a lovely meal and shared gifts. I am looking forward to using my pressure cooker and prep blender. Dustin is totally enamored with Clap Your Hands (Puppet Book). He wants Elmo to sing to him ALL day long. My hand gets tired and Elmo needs to take frequent naps. However, it is totally cute to see Dustin get so excited about it.

I have enjoyed that we focused more on family and less on gifts. This has taken the pressure and stress out of the holiday and gave us space to focus on what what important, that we are together. My house was not decorated and we did not put up a tree, but we were not lacking for cheer.

Even if next year is better and I really hope it is, I want to continue to focus on family and less on the commercialism of the holiday.